

Polabox (recently renamed Cheerz) is an app where you can get photos printed in a polariod style or in a photobooth strip (or Polabox ID as the app calls it). The company who print the photos are Paris based, but after ordering your photos they arrive at your house within a few days. The company's unique way of printing photos reaches out to a new and more modern audience and I personally think the unique idea is super cool. 
Obviously with it being an app, you have to have the photos on your phone, iPod or iPad but I think it's a easy and quick way of ordering, and the fact it is something you have to do on your phone really attracts the younger audience, they are obviously targeting, as more and more people use their phone to purchase items (such as the eBay app) rather than using a computer. 

The app is free but the cost of printing the photos isn't actually cheap, for 4 photobooth strips (as you can see I got printed above) the original cost was £9.40 (including over £2 postage and packaging) however searching for a code online is always worth a try and after successfully finding one I got £4 off my order, which is a really good discount. After ordering they give you your own specific code that you can pass onto friends or use yourself on your next order, the code is (obviously) for a £4 discount but giving this to every customer who orders with them is really beneficial.
They also send your order in really cute packaging, that protects your photos, with a few square promotion cards and a small magnet. All of which are really cool and are a really nice addition to the delivery of your photos. 

When purchasing your photos make sure to use the code ALISTP to get your £4 discount. 


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