
DIY Oreo Cookies

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So a couple of months ago me and my sister decided to do some baking. I wanted to create something a little bit different from the normal 'chocolate cupcake' and having recently come across My Cupcake Addiction via a shared post on facebook, I decided to browse through her easy-to-make and unique cake ideas. One recipe that had previously caught my eye was the DIY Oreo Cookies, I thought these looked pretty cool, and the ingredients consisted of things that you would typically have in your household, meaning I didn't have to make a special trip to tescos to collect the items I would need.

We followed both the youtube video and the blog post that had been created by Elise, as this made it easier for us to ensure we were following the correct steps and mixing the ingredients in the right order (however the second time we made these we only followed the blog post - use whichever you find easier - i'll leave both links below).

The cookies did take a good 3 hours to make - but this included making, refrigerating, cutting and cooking the cookie dough as well as making the icing and then scooping it onto the cooked and cooled chocolate cookies - however, you do need to ensure you have enough time to make these cookies and relax afterwards (as being on your feet for that length of time, kills!). I'd advise using a free day you have, so you can take your time making them and you don't have to rush as the odd couple of hours in a day probably won't be enough. 

The time length to make these may seem extreme, but it was definitely worth the time. The creamy icing and chocolate cookie weigh each other out to create a (and i'm not exaggerating) heavenly taste and texture in your mouth. The recipe provided on My cupcake addiction creates around 22-24 Oreo cookies, which is plenty for you and your family to enjoy (obviously if you're planning on selling them at a cake stall etc. maybe double the batch). 

I've now created these cookies twice, the first time was a tester and for my family to enjoy and the second time was for my 18th birthday party which I wrote about in my previous blog post. At my party these were really popular, by the end of the night we only had 5 or 6 cookies left and those were the ones we had kept aside - so it seems everyone enjoyed them. They do not taste like your typical Oreo cookie you buy from the shop - they're completely different - but I have to say, they're probably tastier! In the future I am definitely going check out and try to create more of Elise's original cakes, cookies and desserts!

"Laughter is brightest, where food is best" 

You can find the My Cupcake Addiction DIY Oreo Cookies blog post here and the DIY Oreo Cookies vlog here

Disclaimer: This is not my recipe, Elise shared this recipe on her blog and youtube, however all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Until next time,

Alice x

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